Friday, November 11, 2016

Honor guard

Here is two members of Russ's honor guard.

The body is drenn redblade

I used a wulfen body and ulriks head and backpack. 

Let me know what you guys and girl's think 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Legio Custodes

Here is my custodes from the Burning of prospero box set.

I may look at making a army for them and the sisters of silence.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Freki and Geri from the 40k open day

They look awesome in my opinion. I hope they get put on pre order soon.

What do you guys and girls think about them.

The sisters of silence

Here are 5 sisters from the Burning of prospero box set. I may add more in the future.

They are some nice models.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Cataphractii terminators

Here is 5 more cataphractii terminators.
They are armed with chain fists and stormbolters.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Space wolves dreadnought

Here is my new dreadnought.

I have got 5 more fenrisian wolfs and I'm working on a 10 man veteran squad.

I have also pre ordered the Burning of prospero box set.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


I would like to know what everyone thinks of the Leman Russ model from forgeworld.

For anyone one who hasn't seen it yet here is a picture

Monday, September 26, 2016

Space wolves cataphractii terminators

Here is the start of a 5 man cataphractii squad with lighting claws. They are from the Betrayal at calth box set.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Space wolves rune priest

Here is my rune priest. I used uirlk the slayersame body and added a power claw and njal stormcallers staff.

Let me know what you guys think.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Iron priest

Here is my iron priest. I used the mk 4 tech marine body and some bits from the new iron priest model.

Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Space wolves command squad

I decided to make a new banner model with the mk 4 armor.

Here is another model to go with my banner model in my command squad

He is armed with a axe from the wulfen set.

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Space wolves contemptor dreadnought

Here is my completed contemptor dreadnought from the Betrayal at calth box set.
I will be adding so fur bits to it later.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sorry for not getting any posts up for the last few months. I have been fairly busy with work. I have a good amount of things to show everyone.

I will not be doing a weekly progress do to not knowing when I will have time.

I will try and get something up every week.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Weekly progress

I finally got some hobby time this weekend. I will be doing photos of my army so far later this week.

I got 10 wulfen
I'm still waiting on some bits. I hope to get more done this week or next week.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Sorry for not getting any posts up. I have been busy with work. I hope to get some hobby time in the next couple of weeks. I have a lot of things on my table to get done for my wolves.

I hope to start painting a test model when I get time.

I want to apologize. I don't know what happened to the other writer.

If anyone wants to write for the blog just email me at

Monday, May 16, 2016

Warhammer fest space wolves

Leman Russ is almost done. The only thing left is his base.

He will be armed with his sword and a axe. He looks like a beast.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Sorry for not getting any posts up. I have be very busy with work. I got one of my orders from eBay.

I now have 20 bloodclaw
20 grey hunters
4 wulfen

I'm going to get my last dreadnought and my first contemptor dreadnought done when my next order gets here.

I hope to see more space wolves stuff from Forgeworld this week from warhammer fest.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blog update

I have got a new person to write for the blog. I'm really excited to have this person to help with the blog. This person has done a great job with there army.

There might be a post later today or some time this week from the person.

Monday, April 25, 2016


No progress this week do to work. I have ordered some bits off of ebay. I plan to get some stuff off of Forge World and Kromlech next week. I am still looking for people to write for the blog.

I plan on getting a couple sets of these torso. I think Forge World did a great job on these for the Wolves. I can't wait for more Wolves from Forge World.
 This is a event only model from Forge World. It will be at the Warhammer Fest in May. I will try and get one off ebay later.
 I love the Sons of Thor stuff from Kromlech. I plan on getting these torsos and the backpacks and maybe the shoulder pads.
These are the 13th company shoulder pads made by shapeways. I will try and get some next week.

That's all for now

Monday, April 18, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress. Today I have a new Bulveye the deathwolf model. After getting so Wulfen models I fell in love with the models and I thought I would try to make a new model for Bulveye with a Wulfen body.

I still have some work to do on him.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


I thought I would show you guys and girls some of Bulveyes honor guard that I have been working on.
I still have some work to do on them like the get backpacks and make bases for all the honor guard.

This is Thorbrand. I still have to work on his hammer.

This is Morkai.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Looking for writers for the blog

I have decided to look for people who would like to join me in writing for this blog.  If you are interested please let me know by commenting on this post.  I will give you my email address at that time and we can discuss this further.

For people interested your army does not have to be Space Wolves it can be any army from the 40k or the Horus Heresy.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress.

Here is White wolf. The White Wolf Is one of Bulveyes most loyalist warrior in his honor guard.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress. sorry its a day late.

here is 3 Wulfen models I got done. I still need to get the backpacks and bases.

For some reason I can't get the last photo to upload I will keep trying.

Let me know what you guys and girls think

Saturday, April 2, 2016


I like the Forge World Navigator model but I don't want to pay the price on ebay for it. I have been looking for a model to use and I found it.

Here is Forge Worlds Navigator

Here is the model I will make into my Navigator
I will replace the head.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kaerls Force update

I have been think about how to make my HQ. What bits to use. I finally found a model to use the Primus from the Overkill box set.

When I get this model I will redo the arms and I will put a new head on.

I will be using some of these in the army to. The heads will  be replaced.

Let me know what you guys and girls think in the comments.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Question to the viewers

Here is my question. Do you guys think there would be other Wulfen dreadnoughts like Murderfang.
If so what would they look like.

I am wanting to make two more Wulfen dreadnoughts for my Wolves.

Just put your answers in the comments.

Monday, March 28, 2016


Sorry there is no Progress to report and sorry for no post last week. I had some life stuff to deal with. I will be getting some bits this week so I will have something for next Monday. I will be looking at getting a model painted before the end of April.

I want to say thank you to all my viewers.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress.

Here is another one of Bulveyes honor guard.

That's all for now. I hope to get more done.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Bloodwolf update

Here is Bloodwolf so far.
Bloodwolf is one of Bulveyes honor guard.

I still have to add the shoulder pad from the Wulfen set when I get it and work on the his base.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Bulveye update

Here is my Bulveye model so far.

I still have a few bits to do and I need to work on his base.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress.

I had been thinking about the salamanders and I have decided to not make them.
I have decided to make a Mechanicum force.

Here is the start of my Mechanicum force.

5 Ruststalkers

Friday, March 11, 2016

Facebook page

I just wanted to let everyone one know that I got the Facebook page up and will be working on it more in the morning. If anyone has a facebook page than go and like the page please.

The page is under the same name as the blog.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Other Legion

I had said in a post that I was thinking about making another legion. I am thinking about the Salamanders because I love the Vulkan model from Forgeworld. I will be looking more into the Salamanders this month and I will see about getting the Vulkan model. I want to try and get some more stuff done for my Wolves before I start on another legion.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress.

Here is Logan's other thunderwolf.

Here is Bloodwolf so far. one of Bulveyes honor guard.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Bulveye update

Here is some bits I have been working on.

Bulveye's torso so far. I got his head and right arm. I hope to get his legs done before Monday.

This is a claw I made out of a wolf guard terminator power fist and a left arm from the pack box.
I am thinking of using it for Bulveye but I don't know yet.

Let me know what you guys and girls think of the claw.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kaerl update

Here is a photo of a Scion I got to try out for my Kaerl force.

Let me know what you guys and girls think.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress.

This is a Wolf Guard pack leader for my Grey Hunters.

I got a Scion model to see if it will work for my Kaerls force.

I got a body for Bulveye. I will be working on that this week.

That's all for now. I hope to get more done this week.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


I have decided to get some Scions and Vostroyan to see which one will look better for my Kaerls force.

I am looking at starting another legion . I will talk about the other legion in a post.

I hope to get more Wolves done next month to show and maybe some battle reports.

I will be doing some posts this coming week about some third party bits I found.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wolves update

I am looking at trying to make a force for the Kaerls. The Kaerls are the planetary defense force of Fenris. I don't know what models to use yet. I would like to use the Scions models but I don't know how well they would look. I also thought about using scout bodies.

I would like to know what you guys and girls think. Put it in the comments

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bulveye the Deathwolf Part 1

Here is the story of Bulveye so far. This all takes place in the early stages of the Great Crusade.

Born on Fenris to the tribe of Russ, the same as Leman Russ. Bulveye became a warrior after Russ took the throne. Have the Emperor beat Russ, Bulveye was one of many warriors ready to follow there king. Like all the warriors from Fenris they formed the 13th company.
After a few battles Bulveye earned the name Deathwolf for killing more enemies than his entire pack.
Bulveye would go on and move thought the ranks in little time from the day he earned the name Deathwolf. Bulveye befriended two battle brothers named Bloodwolf and Whitewolf. During a battle with the Eldar, Bulveye earned a place in his Wolf Lords honor guard for saving his life from some Eldar. During a unknown conflict the Wolf Lord was killed and Bluveye was elected the new Wolf Lord. Bulveye placed Bloodwolf and Whitewolf in his honor guard.

I will be adding more to the story has I time gos on and editing it after Forgeworld releases book 7.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Space Wolves Company

Sorry for not doing a Weekly Progress post yesterday. There should be one next Monday.

I have picked my Company for my Wolves. The 13th company, I love the fluff and the wulfen.
The nice thing about the 13th company for Heresy is no one really knows who the Wolf Lord is.
I have read that it was Bulveye or Jorin Bloodhowl. there was a few other names but I can't think of them right now. I have not got the Curse of the Wulfen book yet so I don't know what Games Workshop has changed fluff wise for the 13th company.

I will be adding the new shoulder pad with the new symbol from the Wulfen set to all my models.

I am still working on get bits for my avatar Bulveye the Deathwolf.  I started on one of his honor guard which I hope to show for the Weekly Progress next Monday.

Question for the viewers. Can you tell me of any third party sites for bits or models.
I have already looked at Spellcrow miniatures, Kromlech, Maxmini, Anvil Industry, Puppets War, Albino Raven minis and Chapter House. Put it in the comments.

Thank you

Sunday, February 21, 2016


I want to know what everyone thinks about the Raven Guard Dark Fury.
I am wanting to use one or more bodys for my Honor Guard for Bulveye.

Let me know what you guys and girls think in the comments.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Wolf Lord/ Update

Since I couldn't get a lot of help on info for Gunnar Gunnhilt. I will be making my only Wolf Lord for my Heresy army mainly. My Wolf Lord will be named Bulveye the Deathwolf.

I am currently working on the fluff for him and I am trying to get bits together for him. I will do posts on him later when I get things done.

I will be making a honor guard for him. I will do a post in the next couple of days about what company I am making.

I will be making a Facebook page before the months over.

I would like to know what everyone thinks about the new Ulrik the Slayer and Iron Priest model.
Put what you think about them in the comments.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What i would like to get

Here is a list of models that I would like to get my Wolves 40k and 30k.

40 Wulfen
Leviathan Dreadnought - Forgeworld
Deredeo Dreadnought - Forgeworld
A second Contemptor Dreadnought
2 Stormwolf/fang
Fire Raptor - Forgeworld
Spartan - Forgeworld
Sicaran - Forgeworld
Falchion - Forgeworld
Xiphon - Forgeworld
2 Dreadnought Drop Pods - Forgeworld
2 Stormbirds - Forgeworld not for sale yet
2 Mastodon - Forgeworld not for sale yet
30 Cataphractii Terminators - may add more
25 Grey Hunters
20 Blood Claw
15 Skyclaw
15 Long Fangs
115 Fenrisian Wolfs
10 Thunderwolfs - may add more
3 Rhinos
3 Drop Pods
Mk 2 armor
Mk 3 armor
Mk 4 armor
Land Raider
Ulrik the Slayer
Iron Priest
Space Wolves Dreadnought

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekly Progress

Here is another weekly progress from me.


5 more Blood Claw. Now I have 19 Blood Claw.

5 more Grey Hunters. Now I have 15 Grey Hunters.

A Contemptor Dreadnought from the Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth box set. I haven't got the arms yet.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Help from the viewers

I would like to see if any of the viewers can help he with info on Gunnar Gunnhilt the Wolf Lord of the first Great company during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. I am looking at making him for my Space Wolves heresy army.

I know he was in Prospero Burns and Wolf King. I haven't read any of the books. If you have any info please put it in the comments.

I would like to thank everyone that has viewed my blog.

Void Claw

Here is my Void Claw. I may add 5 more later on, I haven't decided yet. I still need to add shoulder pads.